Summary of discipline. “Technology of furniture products”

Technology of furniture products

The course Technology of frame furniture products
Direction of educational training: Woodworking technology
Educational qualification level Bachelor

Course content:
1. General understanding of the technology of the frame furniture products.
2. Status and prospects of the furniture products manufacturing in Ukraine.
3. Manufacturing of the MDF facades for frame furniture products.
4. Manufacturing of the furniture panels with hardwood and softwood.
5. Prospects for cutting-without-chip technology in manufacturing of the furniture
6. Manufacturing of the facades for frame furniture products using pressure of the particle
7. General description of the facades hanging in the technology of the frame furniture
8. General description of the boxes installation in the technology of the frame furniture
9. Maine rules of the rational design for kitchen cabinets and other furniture products.
10. System principles resource saving technology in manufacturing of the furniture products.

Results of the study:
Ability and possibility of graduate-bachelor to conduct industrial-technical, organizational,
management, design and research activities in the field of science and industry, to carry out
creative and professional activities related to the creation of new and improvement of
existing technologies for of furniture products manufacturing.

Acquired knowledge:
The graduate-bachelor should know:
• classification of the frame furniture products and their basic design and technological
• materials and accessories for manufacturing of the frame furniture products;
• basic processes of the frame furniture products manufacturing;
• basic principles of the computer design for the frame furniture products and design
processes for their manufacture;
• basic principles of the resources saving in the manufacturing of the furniture pieces;
• main directions of the improvement of manufacturing for the furniture products.
Acquired skills:
The graduate-bachelor should be able to:
• design furniture products and manufacturing process;
• choose advanced materials for manufacturing of the frame furniture products;
• create working and assembly drawings using a computer;
• calculate the expenditure of raw materials by computer;
• calculate the necessary amount of equipment with a computer;
• improve existing production technology flows;
• select manufacturing equipment;
• optimize the production program of the company with a computer;
• create a planning workshop with a computer;
• carry out a comparative analysis of the technological processes in order to select optimal

Responsible for the course: Doctor of Science, Professor Orest Kiyko.