Бакалаврат. Профіль програми “Д/о та меблеві технології”

проектування меблів1.The bachelor’s degree program “Woodworking and Furniture Technologies” (specialty 187) is related to the design, manufacture, operation and disposal of woodworking and furniture industries, solving complex specialized problems and practical problems in woodworking and furniture industries, which involves the application of theories knowledge and practical skills, methods and techniques of technology and production, provides knowledge of the basics of industrial economics, environmental protection and is socially adapted.

2. The task of the educational process is to:

  • Promote and promote knowledge in the field of wood technology, furniture production technology, wooden structures and furniture design.
    Provide students with the necessary materials to ensure a scientific and professional career.
    Promote the development of knowledge and innovation through the use of scientific, technological or other knowledge for the development of personality and the development of wood and furniture industry of the country.
    Training of highly qualified, modern specialists in woodworking and furniture technologies.

3. Description of the graduate.

After graduating, the graduate has theoretical and applied scientific training to work as a technologist in the field of woodworking and furniture production, in particular in the following areas:

  • Manufacture of wood products;
    Manufacture of furniture and wooden structures.
    Design of furniture and wood products using application software;
    Implementation of proposals in accordance with new technologies and market trends;
    Organization and operation of wood and furniture products;
    Introduction of technical specifications for the production of wood products, furniture and other products of the woodworking industry;
    Implement quality control standards and quality assurance systems;
    Introduce environmentally friendly technologies and adhere to the principles of environmental protection.