Movement to digitization (UNFU to IMOS) або як знайти роботу із зарплатою 25000 грн

In the courtyard, the third dozen of the twenty-first centuries has already been distributed, the fourth industrial revolution is actively promoted, an active participant in the Ukrainian National University of Technology. We are very keen to keep up with the clock and in the minds of active digital technology in Ukraine, recognizing the very fact that the warehouse itself is a major factor in the creation of a victorious and innovative economy. I don’t have to wait until I reach the price of technical and technical diversity.
In the framework of the price list, 11 fierce 2020, rooko bulldoded first and last kroki. Zokrema, IMOS AG Engineer, Vyacheslav Sobol and the NLTU lawyers who want to install the software protection module (IMOS CAD module) and need 20 keys to open the program for the initial process.

I described the topic at the Department of Internal Affairs for students and guests to the University of Bulo conducted a lecture on the topic “Development of furniture as part of the industrial revolution 4.0”, in the course of which I’m interested in auditing OSI companies.







At the end of the lecture there was a discussion for the participation of the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, professor Orest Kіyk, at the university, representative of the university. The key is identifiable key points for universal development and that is discussed the importance of having a regular software protection for the form of high-tech special generations of the new generation.

One representative of the furniture bu “Woodworking and furniture technology”: “I’m in the National Forestry University with such a product. I am wrapping myself up to you, dear student. Try the qiu program. Because of the knowledge of such hi-tech technologies, you should check before the robot and the high-paying robot. Our company is ready to request such special
a sheet that will be paid for a minimum wage of at least 25,000 UAH. ”

On the final day of the working day, the meeting was held for the department of technology and furniture of the village, the demonstration of the IMOS programs was demonstrated on this street.

An identifiable new and innovative IMOS product, most of which are respected software for the care of young and young companies, which can be used for business (more modules for B2B); A wide range of programs with new products and updates, including the most advanced programs of the furniture market today.
The CAD module of the programs, which can be implemented on the basis of AutoCad, allows you to carry out the plan, design, economical products and calculation of products, deactivate the picture with more materials, specific parameters, and some additional functions. With an important overwhelming platform є the ability to make contributions to any of these razrahunkіv, as well as those who program vikoristovє catalogs of the latest programs and postalnik in the furniture materials and those that are available through the online mode ..
The IMOS CAM module allows you to transfer data from a split-up project to the next step with the CNC for a task. The module also transmits є vikoristannya to virobnitsvі scanner for reading bar codes from the details of furniture.

IMOS NET to place in your own configurator a project for designing furniture NET-Designer for interfacing with a standard type of Internet without a key, but I would like to secure B2C. Let’s express our butt with the vikoristannya of such functions as Imos є Polish furniture company Centrum
With additional capabilities, programs IM modules IMOS PLAN (3D-interactive objects), IMOS NET Plan 3D (open space, real-time furniture), IMOS 360-function project
IMOS allows you to start a project for more software, for Dinalog view Blum, Leico 3D Disco and others, synchronize data between ERP / PPS and IMOS systems, as well as transmit 3D graphs for widespread use. the creation of photorealistic image.
Otozh pidsumovuychi, I would like to give a hint to the representative of the IMOS company and show our students all the time, patience and success for the opportunity to enjoy the most important programs, for some maybutn in the furniture market of Ukraine.