Візуалізація технологічної інформації


Visualization technological information

Profession: Technology wood products
Educational level: Master

The course content
Theme 1. Introduction. The purpose and structure of the course. Scientific problems
of course.
Theme 2. Technology Presentation preparation
Theme 3. Analysis of equipment performance.
Theme 4. Information Processing
Theme 5. Analysis of experimental data
Theme 6. The technology of speech

Tasks of the course.
learning the basics of scientific and technological representation of experimental data, obtaining training and
skills of public speaking.
Results of the study
Graduates have the opportunity to work creatively and professionally in scientific and
educational institutions in technological and design departments, design institutes and

The acquired knowledge:
– basic concepts, terms and scope of data visualization method of search, storage and
processing of technological information;
– methodology and presentation techniques training, hardware and software
rendering, so the basic principles of training of speech.
The acquired skills:
The ability to:
– determine the feasibility and necessity of speech (presentation) of a given subject;
– preparation and processing of the available information technology;
– scenario development, structure and layout presentations;
– choice of hardware and software to work with numeric and text information,
graphic elements and video;
-organization and presentation;
– use a PC to facilitate the tasks provided for in this discipline.

Responsible for the course: A. Kushpit

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