Бакалаврат. Профіль програми “Інноваційні стартапи”

1. Specialization “Innovative startups for the furniture industry” (specialty 187)

As part of the study, students will gain knowledge and practical skills from both classical and innovative courses in technology, design, economics, marketing, business planning, theory and practice of advertising, Internet communications and others.

The curriculum for the training of future specialists in this specialization also includes the active participation of successful representatives of the woodworking and furniture business. They will share their secrets of success and valuable experience, learn how to avoid mistakes and how to become a successful entrepreneur.

2. The task of the educational process is to:

  • Promote and promote modern knowledge in the field of wood technology, furniture production technology, wooden structures and furniture design.
  • Provide students with technological, economic and social skills to ensure self-development and professional careers.
  • Promote the development of knowledge and innovative thinking through the coverage of learning in various fields of knowledge.
  • Training of highly qualified, modern and self-sufficient specialists.

3. Description of the graduate.

After completing the non-training course, graduates, in addition to acquiring classic technological skills in the creation of furniture and wood products will acquire:

  • business skills;
  • knowledge and skills to create a small business;
  • ability to design, manufacture and successfully implement innovative products, in particular in the field of furniture production and woodworking.